

Cursus in Amsterdam

Uurtje Tai Chi
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Workshop Tai Chi


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18. Embrace tiger and return to the mountain

19. Roll Back aangepast  20. Press  21. Push  22. Single Whip schuin

23. Fist under the elbow

24. Repulse monkey*

25. Diagonally flying posture*

26. Waving hands in the clouds 27. Single whip

28.Squatting down 29. Golden Cock standing on left leg 30. Golden cock standing on right leg

31. Kick with right foot

32. Kick with left foot*

33. Turn and Kick with the heel*

34. Brush knee twist step links 35. Brush knee twist step rechts *

36. Low punch 37. Afweer rechts*

38. Roll Back 39. Press 40. Push 41. Single whip*

42. 43. 44. 45. Fair Ladies waving at the shuttles*

46. Afweer links 47. Afweer rechts 48. Roll Back 49 Press 50 Push 51. Single whip 52. Squatting down met wat er net ervoor en net erna komt*

53. Seven stars of the Dipper 54. Step back and ride the tiger*

55. Turn and sweep the lotus*

56. Bend the bow and shoot the tiger*

57. Deflect intercept and punch 58. Withdraw and push 59. Cross hands 60. Afsluiting

De met een * gemerkte links zijn nog niet klaar

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